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Adding time or tags to photos?

I posted a photo on my blog.

I noticed it set the time to 12:00 am, even though that wasn't the timestamp on the photo. How do I set the time on a jpg?

Also can I add a tag to this photo?

Thank you!

2 years ago, 2 replies   metadata   date   tags   images   Edit question

You can set the publish time and tags of the post created from the photo using the file's name, e.g.

/[Photos]/2023-02-27 09-22 Finn on way to vet.jpg

Will have a publish time of 9:22am and the tag 'Photos'.

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

Hi! I’ve kind of got this answer to work - tag called ‘Photos’ is working, though my post title for an image begins with ‘:’ as in the file name is [Photos]/test.jpg but the post title will read ‘:test’. What am I doing wrong? Thanks

Edit: solved it. Take out the ‘/‘.

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer