Make an image into a link with Markdown?
Has anyone managed to place a link around an image via markdown? Normally, according to markdown rules, this would look something like this:
![Collection of my cat pictures](/path/to/catfolder/cat1.png)(/tagged/cats)
But for some reason, in my case, the URL part is not recognized but somehow becomes a text which then sits underneath the image.
As far as I know, the whole of the image markdown has to be enclosed in the link markdown:
[![pic caption](url/to/pic.png)](url/for/link)
Oh my god, you don't know how much this helped me. Thank you so much! Would perhaps be useful to add this to the documentation on images in markdown
Answered a year ago · Edit answerI added this to the documentation – please let me know if you have any questions
Answered a year ago · Edit answer