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Sticky posts in Magazine template

I'm trying to figure out a way to make a post "sticky" or have some sort of Featured post that stays at the top of my Home page, and I'm struggling. I had found a question asking this about the Blog template and it was working fine when that was the only post on my site. Now that I've added more posts, though, the Sticky post is just having a plain hyperlink of its title displayed at the top of the page rather than the full width post I was seeing before. Is there any way to do this and have it work consistently on the Magazine template?

Add page description to RSS feed?

So in my site's head I've added {{> description}} which will take the summary field from my front matter and add it to the page's HTML meta. I'm trying to create a second RSS feed that, instead of containing the entire post contents, I'd like to have the page description from the meta and a link to the post. This is so I can use Micro.blog to automatically crosspost a summary, rather than the entire (poorly formatted) post. So I've tried adding the following to my RSS file, but it isn't working: <description> <![CDATA[ {{#encodeXML}} {{{description}}} {{/encodeXML}} ]]> </description> I've also tried {{> description}} and {{{summary}}} but none are working. How do I add the page description to this RSS feed? Thanks.

Discord links and metadata

I've noticed that all blot blogs no longer show the metadata when posted as a link to discord. This is true for every blot site I've found and tried, including ones with custom domains. There does seem to be a workaround: the metadata will show up if you view it as a preview of a different template, a draft, or with ?scheduled=true on the end of the link. Any idea what's happening?

How to prevent filename.org from hyperlinking?

Lots of times I write about org-mode and want to mention .org filenames, but if I write filename.org in a Markdown post, that filename will turn into a hyperlink, which I want to prevent. I found someone on Stack Overflow asking a similar question, and the workaround is to use a non-breaking zero-width space, like in the attached image, where I wrapped it in a code tag to get it monospaced. It does work with Blot, but is that the best way? Thanks! (Oops. I forgot to attach an image and now I don’t think I can.)

Static home page and link to index page?

I'd like to set up a static front page and add a link to an an index page in the links. Is there a way to accomplish this?

Adding time or tags to photos?

I posted a photo on my blog. I noticed it set the time to 12:00 am, even though that wasn't the timestamp on the photo. How do I set the time on a jpg? Also can I add a tag to this photo? Thank you!

Referencing files from one Blot site on another

I have a Blot site that operates my blog on a custom apex domain, and a second Blot site for photos at a subdomain of the same address. (This is because I have a fork of the Blog theme for the former, but prefer the Portfolio theme for the latter.) If I sometimes want to include photographs inline on the blog, is it OK to reference the files at their URLs on the subdomain? If that’s going to cross wires for Blot, I’ll upload a second copy to the blog’s folder.

Is there a separate template for pages?

Is there a different template for pages? I'm seeing a partial double-footer on Pages, but not on Entries/Blogs posts. In the screenshot, the horizontal rules and the Kofi image are part of footer.html. On post pages only, the hr / and Kofi logo show up twice, but not the rest of the footer. Dropbox to screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8u4f1w9rjnnn3wq/_double-footer.png?dl=1

Posting MP4 files

Is there any way to embed an MP4? When I do this it just shows a static image that does not play?

Experimenting with templates?

Hello – where can I play with templates and are there 3rd party templates that are free or pay?

Prevent merging lines in quotes?

I was wondering how I can stop quotes from merging onto one line. For example in markdown I have > one line > a separate line But it renders on blot as > one one a separate line Is there a simple way to prevent/override this?

Show last modified/updated date on posts?

On another blot site I am working on it'll be a hybrid digital garden/blog. Since some pages and posts will be updated over time, is there a way to show the last modified/updated date instead of creation date? I could change the date metadata but it would move the post around due to how Blot displays posts in reverse chronological order. I'd rather leave it wherever it is and just show updated dates whenever folks browse it.


Anyone know if any cross-posting is possible to other sites like BlueSky or Mastodon? I see that Micro.Blog just added the ability to cross-post to BlueSky.

Should tags with non-ascii chars work?

If I have tags that contain chars like å,ä,ö should they work, i.e. if I click on the tags should I see a list with posts? The reason I ask is that when I click on an "ascii tag", I get a list of posts with this tag. But if I click on a tag like "väder" then no entries are listed - not even the post with the tag I clicked on. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

:Emojis: — emoji delimiter. Not being parsed, why?

Hello Blotters It appears that the Markdown parser on blot.im is not parsing emoji delimiters, even though I believe they are supported by the Markdown syntax. Emoji delimiters are represented by colons and are used to insert emojis into a document. For example, :smile: should render a smiling emoji. I am wondering if you're using the correct emoji delimiter. Do I need to install a library in my HTML to fix this issue? I am not sure how to proceed and would appreciate some guidance in resolving this little challenge. Many thanks!

How does the magazine template determine the tags to display in the left-hand menu?

I'm using the default magazine template, and am wondering how it choses which tags to show in the left-hand menu. It seems like it's limited to 5 – is it the first 5 that are used in posts, or the top 5 most frequently used? I'm wondering how to change them. Thanks! :)

Local template?

I'm gonna start building my own template for Blot. I've read through the developer docs and it mentions that one can have the template file locally in their Blot folder. The documentation doesn't say what that folder should be called in order for Blot to "see" it though? Does Blot even care? Or is it clever enough to recognise a template in the Blot folder and make it available for use in the dashboard? Thanks.

Recent Entries not working

So I have a markdown file where I want to show some recent entries at the end. According to the reference, this should work: {{#recent_entries}} <p><a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a><br> {{#date}}<span itemprop="datePublished" content="{{dateStamp}}">{{date}}</span>{{/date}}</p> {{/recent_entries}} But it doesn't, unfortunately. I just get a blank space where the recent entries should be. :( Also, the reference says it shows the 30 most recent posts. That's too many for my needs. Is there a way to limit that to 5? Thanks!

Titles of pages in the header

I've set up pages as explained, in a Pages folder, but the titles are not the file names, but rather the first sentence of the files, like a post excerpt.

Images in Magazine template entry listings?

How does the magazine template determine when/which image to show in an entry's listing? Many of my posts have images, but only some appear to the right of the listing on the main page, and I can't figure out what factor determines when an image is pulled there.

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