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Styling disabled checkbox inputs

One more of these and then I'll stop trying to turn this Questions section into my own personal CSS school... for at least a few weeks. Is it possible to style checkboxes? Specifically I have a page using some checked and unchecked items; they're not intended to be editable by visitors, that's fine, but I think the 'disabled' selector is messing me up. Here's the page (I'm trying to just make the 'checked' boxes stand out a bit more by giving them a coloured background. Here's what I've tried to no avail: input[type="checkbox"]:disabled { background: #46adf9; }

CSS for blockquote border?

CSS friends, I've been playing around with adding a gradient for things like link underlining; it looks like this: a { color: {{text_color}}; text-decoration: none; background: linear-gradient(to left, #ad1981, #46adf9 100%); background-position: 0 100%; background-size: 100% 1px; background-repeat: repeat-x; } I'm trying to figure out how to achieve a similar effect as a 2px left hand border for blockquotes, but I'm misunderstanding something about how it works. Any insight much appreciated. My best guess so far looks like this: padding: 0 0 0 12px; opacity: 0.8; background: linear-gradient(to left, #ad1981, #46adf9 100%); background-position: left; background-size: 100% 2px; background-repeat: repeat-y;

The layouts in the text file from the demo?

Do you happen to have the layouts.txt file from the demo video available to share? I’d like to get an idea of all the different formatting options available and figured that would be the perfect reference.

What happened to the Rosa template?

I’m asking if you can help me about the Rosa template that was previously used by default onto Blot. I’d like to use that one in my brand new blog, how do I do it?

Adding custom pages for specific kinds of entries

I'm currently using the diary template and would like to make a few adjustments to the structure of the website. Filtering content on certain pages Right now, all the posts (or entries) appear in the home page. I'd like to create a kind metadata for each entry with either blog or work as possible values. So that only the entries with kind = work would appear on the home page, and the entries with kind = blog would be on a dedicated page called (drumroll...) "Blog". Note that I don't want to use the tags to achieve this result. Entries in blog and work could share some common tags. Hence the need for an additional kind metadata. Different page rendering depending on the kind of entry Last but not least, I was wondering if there was an easy way to differentiate the layout of each entry page. For instance, all kind = blog entries could have a dark background or a "Subscribe to newsletter" button at the bottom. Things like that.

Displaying the number of items

Is there a way to display the number of posts in a tagged article list or the archive? Something like “Archive (182)” and “Tagged ‘news’ (34)”? Thanks!

How to create a new template view?

I’ve already forked the diary template and tried to create a new html file for this “Blog” page. But this new blog.html file does not show anywhere on the published site. I would like to display a link to this page inside the header. My understanding is that it has to do with the views in the package.json file, but I’d like to learn more about the best way to implement this properly.

Tags on the Diary template

In the header of the Diary template, the tags that appear next to the title: Are these automatically every tag on the site? Is there any way to edit which tags/categories appear in this space? Or have nothing appear there?

How can I display my Site Title alone as the Title for my homepage?

This is the most trivial thing, however, I have a homepage set with the metadata: Permalink: /and no matter whether or not I include (blank) Title: metadata, the page's title (in a browser tab) displays as '- [Site Title]'. All my other pages display as '[Page Title] - [Site Title]', so I get that this is the page looking for a page title, not finding one, but leaving in the hyphen delimiter. Is there a way to stop it doing that, and just display the [Site Title]? I can do it site wide by taking the '>' out of this line in head.html: <title>{{> title}}</title>, but that makes the title of every other page look weird. Any and all suggestions appreciated.

Can I add this Hypothesis JS embed?

Dear friends who know more about JavaScript than me, do you think I can do this on my Blot site without a) breaking things; b) taxing Blot in some burdensome way?

How to create a page with iframe?

I'd like to create a page with an iframe snippet, the page is not rendered.

Showing the latest blog post in the home page

How can I show the latest blog post in its entirety on the home page using Essay. The user could them scroll down to see more posts.

All posts by tag

Is there a way to loop through every tag and then print all entries with that tag below it? i.e. the /tagged/example page but with every tag and its entries, without having to specify each one individually.

How can I customise the number of items in a list?

I have display popular_tags on my home page. I want to limit it to the top 10 or 15 most popular tags. How can I do that?

Can I display a customised list of posts inside a Page?

I want to have a curated list of topics on the main menu. I can do this using tags (by putting the tagged url in the menu), but this doesn't allow me to have a custom introductory text for each tag. Say I want to put Coffee and Cities on my menu. I want to write something about coffee in general, followed by a list of all posts tagged coffee. Ditto, for Cities. The introductory text is different for the two topics, so I can't just put it in tagged.html Will be grateful for tips that'll help me achieve this. Thanks.

Display posts by tags or category

Is it possible to display posts by tags or a single category per post, so that I could have an archive with headings, something like this: Apples This is a post title, January 1st 2021 An earlier post, December 20th, 2020 Oranges My latest post about oranges, June 5th, 2021 …

Change display of date to other format?

Is there an easy way to change the displayed date format to something else? I use the Essay template. I would like to have yyyy-MM-dd, as in 2021-06-20 for today's date.

Remove the underline from the links in the Diary template?

I've put text-decoration: none in most places where the anchor "a" is defined in the style.css file of the Diary template; but it still won't go away. What should I change to make a global change such that none of the hyperlinks are underlined?

Embedding a Soundcloud player in a post?

Is it possible to embed a Soundcloud song into a blog post?