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29 questions tagged ‘Templates’

Date formats not changing as requested

I know there's a question about time formats in the list below, I had something similar about date formats. When I've forked both Magazine and Blog templates there's a pull-down option to change the date format to Day/Month/Year, but the dates as shown on screen for each individual post always remain Month/Day/Year.

What have you made with Blot?

Anyone care to share the URLs to their Blot blogs here? I know David has a few listed in examples on the front page, but I'm sure there's many more. Would love to see others to follow (and gain inspiration!)... Here's mine: Along the Ray: https://alongtheray.com

Embed a markdown file inside my template?

I'm currently quite happy with the structure of my entries.html. Except for one thing. I would like the "intro" of that page to be easily editable. Right now, it's hard-coded in html, and I was wondering if I could insert a markdown file instead. I've tried to add {{> intro.md}} in the entries.html file. But it does not render the markdown, it treats is as a plain text.

How to change the number of posts on my homepage?

I know that {{recent_entries}} shows 30 posts but how can i have my home page only show the 10 most recent posts?

Improving Reference template on small screens?

Is there any way to ensure that the mobile phone experience is similar to desktops, tablets. I find the margins are completely cut off on mobile so it all looks very tight and ugly.

Posts with no title

For some of my entries I want to have a title, for some of them I would prefer not to have one. I modified the Blog template with {{#title}} <h1>{{title}}</h1>{{/title}} and I thought that would solve my problem. I.e. if the post didn't have a title then there would be no title shown, but Blot uses the file name as a title if there is not title in the frontmatter. I tried having an empty title, i.e. title: but then the title became "null". Is it possible to have some entries to have no title?

Removing images from recent & tagged pages

I'm trying to remove the feature images from both the recent list and tagged pages when using the magazine theme but can't seem to figure this one out. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Adding a tooltip to links on hover?

I love the hover preview used in the bigfoot footnotes within the magazine theme. Just wondering if there was a way to do similar when hovering over wikilinks (similar to that of wikipedia or obsidian)?

Images in Magazine template entry listings?

How does the magazine template determine when/which image to show in an entry's listing? Many of my posts have images, but only some appear to the right of the listing on the main page, and I can't figure out what factor determines when an image is pulled there.

How would one go about implementing tufte-css?

I really like the look of tufte-css, available at github, but feel a bit intimidated about implementing it using Blot and the available templates. Does anyone have suggestions? (A dream would be if it became an available template out of the box…)