Parse markdown in metadata teaser?
I've modified the blog template to suit my needs, which includes changes to the entries.html template so that teasers are shown in the "just_titles" branch (should rename it soon, I guess). Now I've noticed that {{teaser}} is taken from my entry metadata as desired but that markdown formatting in it isn't parsed. Is there a way to achieve that?
Include data with partial
How would I implement something like this on Blot, using a partial as a template?
Archives for specific tags or metadata
I'd like to generate archives for a specific tag (i.e. memories for which archives would be perfect because of calendaring). Since {{#tagged.memories}} only seems to work inside {{entries}} in the example below (it generates empty headers for months without tagged entries), is there another way to tweak this to make it so? Or at least hide the empty months, years, etc. that show up? Thanks! Ray {{#archives}} <h2>{{year}}</h2> {{#months}} <h3>{{month}}</h3> {{#entries}} <a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a> {{/entries}} {{/months}}
Access denied when cloning Git
Maybe there is a conflict with my local git but somehow when cloning with GitKraken I got an Unexpected EOF error which doesn't make much sense because I don't think I have any control over whatever git config Blot is using. Then when using the CLI I get 'fatal could not read remote repository make sure you have the correct access rights', Granted I changed urls a couple times. Maybe that's it? Anyway, Dave can you help out?
Sidenotes instead of footnotes
Is there any way to make footnotes appear at the side of where they're being referenced instead of at the bottom of the post?
Help with webmentions?
I found the earlier answers on making webmentions work so I forked and am using the blot template. Added in the requirements that Amit and the other person posted but I cannot seem to get webmentions working. I think since 2018 some things have changed perhaps. Has anyone gotten webmentions working on blot blogs after 2018? I am just using a domain at this point. If you have gotten webmentions working with a blot theme, please tell me how you did the work. thanks!
Tags page as homepage
I'm using the magazine template and would like to turn my tags page (/tags) into my blog's landing page (homepage). Is it possible?
What drives the sizing of images on the front page of the Magazine layout?
I've tried a few things to see if I can affect what makes some thumbs large and some small, but haven't figured out what the pattern might be. One entry has a single image and its thumb is small on the front page, another entry has a single image and its thumb is large on the front page.
CSS and JS files in folders not working
Hi there, I'm building a custom template and am trying to point link css and js files within folders but they are not being picked up. I've triple-checked the link e.g href="css/main.css" but it doesn't work. It does work when I delete the "css/" and move the file to the same directory as the rest of the files. Am I missing something? I'm wondering whether it's a limitation of the platform. Thanks in advance!
Hide specific tags from search results
Hi, is there a way we can hide specific tagged entries showing up in search results? I tried this: {{#query}} {{^entries}} <p>Sorry, nothing found for “{{query}}”</p> {{/entries}} {{/query}} {{#entries}} {{^tagged.jotfeed}} <a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a> <span class="small">{{date}}</span> <br /> {{/tagged.jotfeed}} {{/entries}} ..and it doesn't seem to work? Thanks! Ray
Where does the local development version of blot point to?
Hey, I want to develop my theme locally. I followed the directions on setting up a local dev environment but when I load the site it's pointing to a blank "Example" install. This seems wrong since an empty install isn't userful for theme development. Where do I need to put some files to show content in my theme so I can actually see stuff to develop against?
Exclude some tags in list of tags
Is there a way to exclude some specific tags from being displayed in a list of tags (i.e. {{#all_tags}})? Thanks!
Where's the dropbox template folder?
Hey there, I want to develop my own theme locally, not in the blot online template editor. But I can't find the theme in my Dropbox folders at all - those only appear to be the posts. Suggestions?
Two blogs, one domain, drastically different load times
The first blog is on my root domain. The second is on a subdomain. The TTFB is drastically slower on the second (subdomain) blog. The code of both blogs is almost identical. Is this a problem with my DNS provider, Cloudflare, or could my blogs be on different servers, one slower than the other? I'm just trying to diagnose the problem.
How create a second blog?
I would like to know how create a second blog using the same domain. E.g. : (domain main) and would be the second blog. It is possible?
How to have a custom 404 page?
Currently if the page doesn't exist, I am shown: `Error with your template Blot failed to render your template. Please try again or contact support if this problem continues:`
Latest update date
Hello, is it possible to have a message on the homepage saying something like "Latest update on: " and have the date of the latest blog entry displayed there? Thanks!
Is there a directory of user-templates?
Hello, I was wondering, now that there is a super easy way to share templates, do you any place where Blot users might preferably want to share/try external templates? Maybe a GitHub group or something like that? Tags work, but there is not an “official” GitHub repository tag to find them all in the same place.
Redirects with query strings not working?
I noticed that redirects lead to 404 page when the link is accessed from a Facebook post. Apparently, Facebook appends a tracking parameter ?fbclid=* to the url and it messes up the redirect. Is there a way around this?